DNA Corrections

Cancer touches us on many levels, including our DNA. With a single mutation in our DNA sequence, messages are given that allow for tumor growth.

By knowing our own DNA and mutations, we are deepening our relationship with our bodies and understanding the physiology of our cancer in a way that can empower us.

For example, let’s say a loved one receives a diagnosis of lung cancer. We would want to know the mutation. One gene associated with lung cancer is EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor). Mutations of this gene are multiple. One mutation might be T790.

With this specific information, we can begin to work our way backwards to understand where in the DNA the mutation took place. In this case, one of the four DNA building blocks, guanine (G), turned to adenine (A). Sometimes, such changes in the DNA do not cause any ill effect. The body corrects these changes, or the changes do not cause tumor growth. But when the DNA building block of guanine changes to adenine, the mutation can cause tumors associated with lung cancer. In the case of EGFR with a mutation of T790, we visualize this precise mutation correcting itself. The antidote is as simple as, “Adenine changes back to guanine at the T790 M location.” This can be said as an affirmation; it can also be diagrammed and envisioned.

Our particular cancers can be traced back to a DNA mutation, as above. The cancer could also be caused by an insertion (a nucleotide base pair is inserted into the DNA sequence) or a DNA deletion (a nucleotide base pair is missing). Each gene, including the EGFR, may have many variations of a mutation, insertion, or deletion. What we can do is understand our specific mutation, what the medical treatment options are, and what the antidote is for repairing the DNA.

This following table can help us ask our doctors the right questions, including specific genetic antidotes for correcting DNA mutations. The EGFR mutation is filled in as an example. Two other common mutations, BRAF and PTEN, are also listed. The mutations for EGFR, BRAF, PTEN and other genes associated with cancer are manifold. T790M is only one possible mutation of many for EGFR. Each gene associated with cancer can mutate in a number of ways, and the specific mutation will help guide the best treatment.

Because there are multiple mutations associated with each gene, it is possible that offhand, our doctors may not know the exact antidote for mentally correcting the mutation. However, our doctors will be able to provide us with pathology reports which normally list the specific mutation of the gene associated with our cancer. Reviewing these reports with our doctors, loved ones, and advisors can help us understand the precise mutation we carry. We can also ask to speak with a pathologist to better understand our pathology report, including the basic questions of “What is my exact mutation?” and “Ideally, what would my DNA need to do to correct this?”

This table also appears as a separate PDF which can be printed and taken to your doctor. PDF version

Ways of Healing with Cancer

The way the mind learns and transmits messages to the body is both scientifically understood, yet also a mystery.

Take, for example, the act of typing. Many of us learned to type in high school, possibly with a one semester course. As the years go by, what we learned is somehow embedded within our minds, so that when we type, we don’t need to look at the keyboard. Sometimes, we can even type while we’re momentarily distracted. Yet at the same moment, it could prove challenging to diagram the keyboard off the top of our heads. How do our minds know something that we, consciously, may have difficulty articulating?

In the same way we learn typing, we can also learn about the four building blocks of our DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). When our DNA has mutated, we can repeat the antidote for correcting this mutation.

How we can tap into the healing powers of our mind is not completely known. Repeating the antidote may be similar to the process of learning to type, playing a musical instrument, learning a foreign language, and a multiple list of other endeavors we are able to perform, in a sense, automatically – as automatically as breathing.

Simply sitting or lying down comfortably, closing our eyes, and repeating the antidote quietly and gently is one possible way to induce a state of serenity and at the same moment, deliver a positive message to our minds: a message of DNA repair and overall well-being.